Chief Shepherd

And when the Chief Shepherd appears, you will
receive the crown of glory that does not fade away.
1 Peter 5:4

The verse above concludes an admonition by the Apostle John to church elders that they “shepherd the flock of God” (1 John 5:1-4). Just like a shepherd taking care of sheep, the overseers of the local church need to feed and care for God’s flock (i.e. believers in Christ).The Latin word for shepherd is “pastor,” which is the origin for the English word for a minister or preacher. Just as the church’s pastor is responsible for his spiritual sheep, he also must be accountable to the head Pastor, or as it is in this verse, the Chief Shepherd.

This title of Christ is unique because it is only used in reference to the leadership of the local church. There could not be a Chief Shepherd unless there were also under-shepherds spread out in different fields looking over literally hundreds of critters who were unable to take care of themselves.

Pastors, elders, and people in full-time ministry sometimes feel that the congregation is their flock, but the truth of the matter is that the spiritual lambs belong to the Good Shepherd who gave His life for the sheep (John 10:11). With some degree of regularity, these under-shepherds must answer to the Chief Shepherd‘s questions: “How are my sheep doing? Are they healthy? Is the flock growing? How many were lost to the wolves?”

1 Peter 5:2 explains other areas in which the Head Pastor will examine the assistant pastors: Attitude and motivation. “Why did you even take this job? Do you feel you have to do it or do you want to do it? Are you in it for the money or status? Or do you want to please me?”

I understand that not everyone will have to answer to the Chief Shepherd, so they might not be interested in the title. Even so, I’m scheduled to meet with Him at the judgment seat of Christ, and I want to get all my sheep in a row. He has an unfading crown of glory to give me, but that’s not why I do any of this. All I really want to do is be pleasing to my Chief Shepherd.

September 17

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Rick Khol is the father of eight boys, former missionary to Ecuador,SA, retired science teacher, church elder, foster parent and Christian camp speaker.

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