Him Who is from the Beginning

I write to you, fathers, Because you have known Him who is from the beginning. I write to you, young men, Because you have overcome the wicked one. I write to you, little children, Because you have known the Father.
1 John 2:13

One of the few perks about being old is the right to say “been there, done that.” I went to school in the 1950’s before ballpoint pens were invented and we still used fountain pens. I ate at McDonald’s restaurants before they served 50 million, and I remember the introduction of the Ford Mustang back in 1964. When young people today think these things have been around forever, I feel like him who’s been around from the beginning.

The Apostle John addressed the church fathers as the oldest and wisest men in the assembly. They had been around for a long time and could certainly teach the young people a thing or two. But John needed to remind them of their true sense of maturity; they knew Him Who is From the Beginning.

The Lord Jesus was around before the wheel and the campfire were invented. He existed before the earth was formed and before the very first star got fired up. Before time began, there were no reference points to the universe. Things still happened back then. The angels, principalities, and powers were created and God sat on His throne, but it is just called “Eternity past.” Christ was never created, so He was certainly around back then too.

When God finally got around to making matter and energy, time was invented simultaneously. The moment that happened is called “the Beginning.” Christ got the clock ticking. He was Him Who is From the Beginning.

*see also 1 John 2:14; 1:1

March 31 

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Rick Khol is the father of eight boys, former missionary to Ecuador,SA, retired science teacher, church elder, foster parent and Christian camp speaker.

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