Image of the Invisible God

He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn over all creation.
Colossians 1:15

How do you describe something that is indescribable? Do you know the answer? Use a genre without words. Art and music can convey thoughts and emotions that verbal communication can’t. That’s why humans try so many forms of artistic expression. They want to imagine the unimaginable and view the invisible.

Jesus Christ is the Creator’s artist masterpiece in which He presents to Mankind the Image of the Invisible God. The Almighty used an art medium that every human being can connect with: flesh and blood. He used it to communicate what can’t be understood, the nature of God.

Planets, stars, galaxies, and light energy can be observed, so they are proved to exist. However, scientists have studied the gravitational forces of the universe and discovered that what we consider to be normal matter and energy is actually less than 5% of the total universe. Some invisible unknown reality is out there, and it’s really big, making up over 95% of all that exists. This huge, mysterious something is called “dark matter,” together with “dark energy.” Actually, just going by percentages, dark matter should be considered the normal and what we call ordinary matter is really the aberration.

Maybe it’s just me, but when people start speaking about some huge force out there that fills the universe, I think of God. Some people prefer to call Him Dark Matter, rather than Almighty Creator, because they feel that they owe no obligation to a burst of unknown energy, but would be beholden to God if it was proved that He designed them and gave them life.

Christ came into this world so that ordinary people could know the unknowable and see the Image of the Invisible God. He didn’t arrive composed of dark matter, but with skin, muscle, and blood. He showed us what the invisible God is like, both in character and in nature. He also came so that we can be made like Him and be transformed from the mortal to the immortal.

August 11

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Rick Khol is the father of eight boys, former missionary to Ecuador,SA, retired science teacher, church elder, foster parent and Christian camp speaker.

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