Root of David

But one of the elders said to me, “Do not weep. Behold, the Lion of the tribe of Judah,
Root of David, has prevailed to open the scroll and to loose its seven seals.”
Revelation 5:5

A large variety of vegetation can be transplanted with just a small piece of root. The new plant will have all the characteristics of its parent, although the size and shape might differ greatly.

The Lord Jesus was the Root of David, and the parallels between the two are remarkable.







Gossip Material:

…for having both a prostitute and a foreigner in the family tree.

…for being thought to be conceived out of wedlock.

Early Occupation:

Shepherd of sheep.

Shepherd of Israel (Matthew 15:24).


…by the prophet Samuel to be King of Israel.

…by the Holy Spirit to be Christ of God.


…by his own son, Absalom.

…by his disciple and close friend, Judas Iscariot.

Rejected King:

Lived through two civil wars (with Isbosheth and Absalom).

The mob in Pilate’s court shouted for their King to be crucified (Matthew 27:22).

Relationship to God:

A man after the Lord’s own heart (1 Samuel 13:14).

Is the well-pleasing, beloved Son of God (Matthew 17:5).

Come O Root of David and reign on the throne of the son of Jesse. *see also Revelation 22:16

April 27

Published by


Rick Khol is the father of eight boys, former missionary to Ecuador,SA, retired science teacher, church elder, foster parent and Christian camp speaker.

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