Shadow of the Almighty

He who dwells in the secret place of the Most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty.
Psalm 91:1

The element mercury is the only metal that is actually a liquid at room temperature. Just like other liquids it can evaporate even though the vapor is much heavier than air. Gaseous mercury is invisible but can be seen under the right conditions. To view mercury vapor, an open container of the metal is placed on a table. The lights in the room are turned off and a single goose necked lamp is pointed towards the wall. Since the gaseous form of mercury won’t let light pass through, its shadow can be seen rising slightly and then falling to the floor.

God not only is invisible, He is Spirit, so He is not bound by the laws of chemistry and physics as they are known today. However, Shadows of the Almighty are sometimes seen in nature. The intricate workings of a living cell demonstrate the complexities of the Creator and an F-5 tornado shows something of the power of the Omnipotent.

We can see the Lord Jesus with the eyes of faith and although that image isn’t crystal clear, it is a well-defined Shadow of the Almighty. Aspects of the character of God that were unfocused in the Old Testament became well defined in Christ. The grace and salvation of God are brought to whole new levels when viewing the death of the Savior as the Passover Lamb. The teachings of the Master outline to us the mind of God and His way of life shows us the form of the Father’s will.

O spotless Lamb of God, in Thee
The Father’s holiness we see;
And with delight Thy children trace,
In Thee, His wondrous love and grace.
                                                          – Mary J. Walker (1878)

October 3

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Rick Khol is the father of eight boys, former missionary to Ecuador,SA, retired science teacher, church elder, foster parent and Christian camp speaker.

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